Natural Resource Management

The ultimate aim of natural resource management is to protect and improve environmental assets and manage the sustainable use of natural resources; protecting the environment through recycling, conservation, regeneration and restoration.

Tonkin understands the complex issues in managing natural resources. We work closely with our clients to drive environmental stewardship and deliver sustainable solutions in line with the regulatory framework - actively working towards better outcomes through all projects we undertake. Our national presence spans many regional areas, giving Tonkin a unique understanding of the varied local environments and challenges facing natural resource management in an uncertain climatic future.

Floodplain and wetland management
Tonkin’s multidisciplinary team of engineers and scientists have the experience and specialist expertise to help our clients overcome challenges in the effective management of wetlands and floodplains, including long-term sustainability and environmental considerations, climate impacts, cost-constraints, as well as navigating stakeholder challenges.

Environmental works and measures
Water is a limited, precious resource, with demand often outstripping supply across many communities. Infrastructure works and improved water delivery measures can reduce the volume of water taken from local water sources and improve local environmental outcomes. Tonkin’s specialist environmental engineers have the expertise and experience to help our clients balance the regulatory, environmental, economic and social requirements of complex riverine projects, to deliver exceptional outcomes that will benefit communities for many years to come.
Flower with river in background
River murray
Concept and detailed design of environmental water infrastructure
To help ecosystems continue to function effectively while under increasing pressure from human, climatic and other factors, physical water management structures may be required to achieve a range of synergistic benefits. Our experience includes concept planning and detailed design of wetland management and water delivery infrastructure for a variety of applications from environmental flow and flood management to salinity management and water supply for environmental, irrigation and domestic use.

Salt inception schemes
Tonkin has delivered a number of major salt interception scheme projects over the past decade as part of the Murray Darling Basin Authority’s Basin Salinity Management Strategy, which aims to manage salinity and protect natural resources. Tonkin is experienced in designing infrastructure to protect valuable land and water from damaging salinity. This includes pipelines, wells and pumps that re-direct salty water away from valuable farmland land and ecologically significant floodplains and wetlands.

Services and expertise

  • Feasibility studies and master planning
  • Floodplain and wetland management plans
  • Environmental water management plans
  • Flood mapping/hydraulic modelling
  • Regulating structures
  • Geotechnical investigations
  • Design of water management infrastructure
  • Design of constructed wetlands
  • Wetland rehabilitation
  • Navigating native vegetation and cultural heritage constraints
  • Balancing landholder needs
  • Stakeholder engagement and navigating political sensitivities.
  • Concept and detailed design 
  • Channel upgrades and levee banks
  • Culvert and drainage infrastructure
  • Detention basins and ponds
  • Dams, reservoirs and storage tanks
  • Salinity management schemes
  • Acid sulphate soil management
  • Upgrade, rehabilitation and maintenance planning for existing infrastructure assets.
Birds at the Coorong

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