
Investing in sustainable water management is crucial to securing the future of communities and the wellbeing of individuals and the environment. We understand the importance of maintaining secure water supplies and sensitively managing water to maximise the benefits for future generations.

Planning and concept development

Tonkin’s expertise in network planning and modelling can test options to understand which are best to deliver on your objectives and improve outcomes for communities, for the long term. Engagement with key stakeholders, and understanding the drivers and required levels of service is a key element to successful planning. Tonkin’s team can then support with development of concept designs in line with the overall plan, considering your competing priorities.

Strategic planning
Consideration multiple possible future scenarios is essential to developing robust and adaptive pathways to meeting the future needs of communities. Understanding the governance, policy and regulatory environment is also critical to successful strategic planning.

Network planning, modelling and optimisation
Tonkin provides model build and calibration services, master planning, and network optimisation. Our hydraulic modelling team provides support in the concept and detailed design phases of projects, as well as informing construction planning.

Concept design
Leveraging our experience throughout the project lifecycle, Tonkin takes pride in our ability to bring constructability knowledge and experience to developing concept designs.
Morgan to Whylla Pipeline and two workers in regional South Australia
Pump station values

Water and wastewater networks

Water and wastewater networks play a vital role in our daily lives and the overall functioning of communities. Tonkin has a depth of experience and track record in delivery of network upgrades and renewals for water and wastewater utilities, councils and developers. These networks are essential for public health, economic development and environmental sustainability.

Complex infrastructure design
Tonkin brings network analysis and modelling knowledge and multi-disciplinary engineering design team expertise to provide comprehensive outcomes for major network upgrades including pump station, rising main and storage infrastructure.

For new developments and large infrastructure projects, our team is able to support the identification and progress the required approvals alongside design development. Our knowledge and depth of experience working with utilities means we understand their requirements, associated regulations and we can facilitate applications.

Construction supervision
Tonkin understands the importance of timeliness during this critical phase, and we are able to provide dedicated resources on site when required, as well as assistance with documentation of as-built infrastructure.


Efficient and sustainable application of treatment solutions play a critical role in maintaining public health, environmental protection, and regulatory compliance. Tonkin has expertise across all stages of treatment – from selecting a site for a new desalination plant, to upgrading an existing regional wastewater treatment plant, we work closely with our clients to find innovative and fit-for-purpose solutions. Tonkin's experience spans across the treatment of drinking water and wastewater, as well as water reuse.

Drinking water
Turning on the tap to access safe, quality water is something we often take for granted. Tonkin is passionate about ensuring communities in metro and regional areas have the best possible access to reliable drinking water by designing fit-for-purpose treatment facilities.

Effective treatment of wastewater before it is released into the environment ensures the sustainability of rivers, lakes and oceans. Tonkin strives to achieve design outcomes that protect aquatic ecosystems, preserve biodiversity and maintains health environments.

Urbanisation and demand for water is reshaping how we think of wastewater. Disposal of effluent is becoming the least preferred solution with reuse and resource recovery becoming more prevalent. We help our clients find effective ways to reuse treated wastewater so it can be reclaimed for irrigation, industrial processes, and cooling, reducing demand on freshwater resources.
Morgan Water Treatment Plant
Millewa Pump Station on the Murray River

Water structures

Tonkin’s experience in bulk water conveyance includes the design of water storages including earth bank storages and tank structures. The design of these structures considers specific geotechnical site characteristics, in addition to diligent design and detailing of reinforced concrete to deliver durability and robustness. Tonkin has experience in the design of water regulating structures that are frequently deployed throughout irrigation schemes for catchment authorities to achieve beneficial environmental outcome. The remoteness of these structures requires bespoke solutions that consider the constructability challenges for these locations.

Facility buildings
Drawing on our multidisciplinary team’s experience Tonkin designs cost-effective, robust solutions for the necessary structures to protect these important assets. From mine sites to remote/regional sites or urban locations across Australia, these buildings need to consider the form and function for the environment in which they are located.

Temporary works
Temporary works associated with water infrastructure requires a deep understanding of construction and the staged approach to loading conditions during this interim phase through to final in-service conditions. Tonkin’s temporary works advice includes crane load assessments, temporary support design, g round support, trench and slope stability, temporary pipe support, temporary levees and bypass pumping assessments.

Irrigation and reuse

Irrigation helps mitigate the impact of droughts and irregular rainfall, providing a reliable water source for crops even during dry periods. Tonkin supports our clients through tailored solutions to optimise water usage and reduce waste and operating costs. We design irrigation systems that maximise water efficiency and crop yield. Our team employs the latest technology and industry best practices to create custom irrigation designs tailored to your specific environmental conditions.

Water management strategies
Our expertise in water resource management strategies helps ensure responsible and sustainable use of water. Our teams analyse water availability, soil moisture levels, and crop water requirements to develop optimised irrigation schedules and conservation plans.

High-tech, best practice solutions
Keeping pace with advancements technology, we integrate solutions such as drip irrigation, precision agriculture, and remote monitoring systems to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of irrigation operations. Our team provides guidance on current best practise to help select the right technology for your irrigation needs.

Project management
From initial assessment to implementation and ongoing support, our team helps ensure seamless coordination, timely execution, and adherence to budgetary constraints through the project.
Sunlands Pipeline Replacement Project under construction in Waikerie
Breakout Creek stormwater channel in Adelaide

Environment and natural resources management

Natural resources, especially water, are fundamental to life and the environment in which we live. Management of natural resources is becoming increasingly challenging – balancing the conservation of our environment with the pressures of urbanisation, an ever-growing population, increased agricultural production and climate change. Tonkin’s holistic approach to natural resources management balances engineering solutions with environmental outcomes. This helps our clients identify sustainable, long-term solutions that provide flexibility and adaptive management that can be customised based on the size and complexity of the project.


As urban infill increases, so does the need for robust stormwater management solutions that protect our communities, water resources and natural eco-systems. Tonkin provides our clients with stormwater planning expertise, technical advice and detailed engineering solutions. Tonkin has experience in all aspects of the provision of stormwater services across various projects, with specialisations in transport, public realm and urban developments.


Marine environments present complex infrastructure challenges, often requiring expert knowledge of coastal processes and solutions that prioritise ecological outcomes. Tonkin’s experience in the assessment of coastal processes, rising sea levels and climate change allows us to successfully interpret the impact these factors have on the design of infrastructure for a range of coastal and marine projects, including desalination plants, beach restoration and maritime infrastructure. 

Asset management

Tonkin provides a range of asset management services to help our clients responsibly manage water infrastructure assets. This includes asset management plans, asset registers, inspections, condition assessments and rehabilitation recommendations. We work closely with our clients to understand drivers, priorities and the various factors that influence maintenance and investment decisions.
Henley Beach in South Australia

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