Road and Highway Design

As Australia’s population grows, transport infrastructure that enables the safe and efficient movement of people and freight is more important than ever.

Having undertaken the design of several key road infrastructure projects around Australia over many decades, Tonkin understands the importance of balancing road design criteria and standards with safety and cost outcomes, to deliver a value for money solution.

Our team of engineers and road designers bring a collaborative approach to projects, from concept through to detailed design development. We work closely with clients to highlight requirements, risks and opportunities, ensuring the competing demands on our road network are considered and managed to deliver reliable outcomes for all road users.

How vehicles use our roads is evolving and will continue to change as innovations addressing accessibility, mobility and road safety are developed. Tonkin is committed to helping our clients ensure road design solutions delivered now do not limit the development of future technologies and road uses.
Aerial image of Bald Hills intersection
CGI Park Ridge interestcion
Road duplication
Duplication improves safety, traffic flow and capacity, which is increasingly important as populations grow. Tonkin’s transport team has extensive experience in various types of road duplication projects, which has recently included the Fleurieu Connections Alliance.

Well-designed intersections are safe, functional and efficient for all users, including motorists, cyclists, pedestians and public transport users. From local neighbourhoods to major corridors, Tonkin designs effective intersections including roundabouts and signalised, as well as grade separations.

Transport structures
Tonkin’s transport engineers design structures such as bridges, overpasses and underpasses for roads, as well as rail, pedestrians and cyclists. Additionally, we design retained earth structures, barriers, throw screens and gantry signage. 

Services and expertise

  • Road, highway and haul road design including safety improvements and roadside hazard protection
  • Intersection, roundabout and highway interchange design in line with SiD and Safe Systems principles
  • Road drainage and Water Sensitive Urban Design upgrades
  • Pavement rehabilitation and design, including stabilisation
  • Road lighting design
  • Streetscape and town centre upgrades
  • Geotech and earthworks
  • Public transport, pedestrian, cycling and active transport integration.

Get in touch with our team