Transport Structures

With increases in urban density, high speed transport networks and the safe separation of transport modes, transport structures are now an essential and intrinsic component of transport infrastructures projects.

Design, construction and management of these structures require a sound appreciation of competing needs such as capital budgets, constructability, durability, service life and stakeholder objectives. Tonkin is experienced in planning, design, documentation, construction and asset management of a range of transport structures.
Tonkin is experienced in planning and designing bridges for roads, rail, pedestrians,  cyclists and utility services, across a range of terrains and waterways as well as cross-mode grade separations. Our team brings key interface knowledge with the civil design requirements for each industry area including geometric requirements, approaches and transitions. In addition to designing new bridges, Tonkin also serves key industry needs for assessment, rehabilitation, renewal and life extension of existing structures.

Civil structures
Our team is experienced in managing the complex interface between civil designs and the essential structures which are required to support them. Tonkin has capability with large underground service crossings, large retaining walls, structural revetment walls, major service and utility pits and wells, large signs and overhead gantry structures, barrier systems, and maintenance access systems. 
Structural inspections
Tonkin undertake the full range of bridge inspections from level 1 to specialist level 3. When inspecting multiple assets for routine purposes, our team is able to use GIS and data collection software to record a range of valuable information that can be accessed by our clients in a user-friendly format. The findings of these inspections allow our clients to make informed asset management decisions. As part of our detailed or specialist inspection services, Tonkin is able to develop tailored practical recommendations to assist asset owners to maximise the value of their assets.
London Street Bridge in Port Lincoln
Tonkin staff member overlooking bridge

Services and expertise

  • Road bridge design ranging from local urban roads to high speed highway environments
  • Rail underbridge systems supporting passenger and freight services including constructability assessments for short duration occupation builds
  • Specialist support for bridges over waterways when combined with our highly regarded natural watercourse and stormwater engineering expertise
  • Bridge footing and foundation design including integral bridge designs and soil-structure interface assessments
  • Retained earth structures using both rigid structures and reinforced earth designs
  • Pedestrian and cyclist over and underpasses 
  • Signage gantries and VMS structure systems supporting intelligent transport systems
  • Roadside barriers, pedestrian barriers, throw screens and other protection systems for user safety
  • Bridge inspections (Level 1, 2 and 3) for effective and informed asset management decisions.

Get in touch with our team