Pavement Design and Assessment

Tonkin specialises in efficient and cost-effective transport solutions including pavement design and management.

Our multidisciplinary team has a strong record of delivering these projects in a cost-effective and timely manner.

Our expertise takes in the design of pavements for roadways with varying levels of traffic and the interaction of different pathways. 

Tonkin also develops solutions to allow local road access during construction and for the finished roadway. We provide engineering services for specialist pavement applications such as airfields and flexible/rigid pavements for industrial facilities.
Road with bike lane
Carpark with pedestrian path

Services and expertise

  • Major and rural road design
  • Flexible pavement design using Austroads Pavement Design Guide
  • Bound pavement design using CIRCLY in accordance with Austroads Pavement Performance Assessment Design Guide
  • Pavement rehabilitation and reseal design for local, collector and arterial roads
  • Pavement management data collection, analysis and reporting for council road networks and advice on surface treatment selection
  • Airfield pavements
  • Main street upgrading and place making
  • Street lighting, road and highway design
  • Asset management
    • Asset register development and service level determination
    • Digitisation of pipe and road networks
    • Unit rate reviews and valuations
  • Capital works management, annual updates, depreciation reporting and 20 year forecast road renewal plans based on funding scenarios.

Do you have a project and require assistance from our pavement specialists?