Stormwater and Flood Management

As urban infill increases, so does the need for robust stormwater management solutions that protect our communities, water resources and natural eco-systems.

Tonkin provides our clients with stormwater planning expertise, technical advice and detailed engineering solutions. Tonkin has experience in all aspects of the provision of stormwater services across various projects, with specialisations in transport, public realm and urban development.

Water sensitive urban design
Tonkin’s Water Sensitive Urban Design experts design stormwater solutions that integrate the water cycle into urban environments to minimise ecological degradation, while also improving aesthetic and recreational appeal.

Stormwater management planning

We prepare stormwater management plans to assist our clients to plan how they will manage, treat and direct stormwater runoff. We work with local and state governments, as well as private landholders to develop strategic Stormwater Management Plans that provide long-term benefits for the environment and communities.

Flood mitigation and mapping
Tonkin provides leading solutions in hydrological and hydraulic analysis and planning for stormwater in urban and regional environments. This includes long-term planning for events such as 100 year rainfall events, across all areas.
Dover St Basin showing grassed area and two footpaths
Wetland ponds with vegetation establishing

Services and expertise

  • Stormwater drainage design for road and site specific applications including on-site detention, gravity drainage systems, retention basins, pump systems and open channels
  • Catchment studies, stormwater capacity and condition assessments and overland flow assessments
  • Kerb and gutter pit and pipe design
  • ‘Soft engineering’ solutions that use ecological principals and practices
  • Stormwater reuse system design
  • MUSIC water quality and water balance modelling, DRAINS modelling and TUFLOW hydrodynamic 2D flood modelling
  • Hydrological modelling and runoff estimations
  • Infiltration and permeable pavements
  • Erosion and sediment control
  • Asset management of stormwater infrastructure
  • Flood advice to ensure compliance with the planning code and design.

Get in touch with our team