Rail Infrastructure

Tonkin provides rail services across multiple stages of the project and asset lifecycle including planning and design, construction support and verification, asset management, maintenance and upgrades.

We have a specialist team of transport engineers that are highly skilled at delivering rail network solutions. As a leading infrastructure consultant, Tonkin’s transport team understands the challenges faced by local communities and state and local governments and can address these issues to meet prevailing needs. As such, we can provide ‘big picture’ review of rail infrastructure, from transport studies into freight and passenger rail demands, through to detailed infrastructure design.
Clarence Gardens train station platform
Muno Parra train station platform

Services and expertise

  • Transport planning of rail networks, both freight and passenger rail
  • Rail infrastructure for both urban and regional corridors
  • Track formation and corridor drainage design
  • Station infrastructure design including associated community and alternate transport mode connections
  • Network access sidings and freight handling facilities for bulk and intermodal products
  • Design and construction verification services.

Get in touch with our team