Leadership Development Program

Tonkin’s Leadership Development Program is a valuable opportunity for members of the Tonkin team to build their leadership knowledge and skill, strengthen their levels of self-awareness and connect with current and future leaders across the business.

Whether you are an emerging future leader or a more experienced leader of people or projects, Tonkin’s Leadership Development Program is designed to help you perform at your best, while developing leaderships skills that will benefit you and the business.

Some of the elements of the program include:
  • 360 degree feedback with supervisors, peers, direct reports and other stakeholders
  • Development of a personality profile to identify your strengths and areas for development.
  • Workshops which explore topics such as leadership, emotional intelligence, risk, communication and other areas.
  • Working with an external coach who will help you maximise your success and achieve your goals.

All Tonkin staff can express their interest in participating in the Leadership Development Program.
Tonkin Staff participating in the Leadership Development Program

Are you an experienced professional or looking to step-up in your career?

Tonkin often has job opportunities not listed on our website and for the right applicants, we may be able to tailor a specialised role based on your skills and experience. If you would like to have a confidential conversation about opportunities at Tonkin, please contact a member of our Operations Team in your region.