24 January 2023
2022 was certainly a big year for Tonkin. Our teams around the country experienced strong growth, particularly in our offices on the East Coast and we successfully delivered a record number of projects, both big and small.
We asked some of our people what they’re looking forward to at work this year, and what they are anticipating as the key trends, opportunities, and challenges in their sectors.
We hope this gives you a sense of the array of interesting projects Tonkin is working on with our clients in 2023 and introduces you to some of the new faces in our business.
Christina Bruno
Clients and Growth Lead - Local Government
"Where do I start - our industry is booming on a national scale and you can feel the busy energy across the office. Working in Business Development is really interesting as I get to see the vast nature of projects we consider across the country and the different types of projects we are tracking. This, in relation to our growth as an organisation, is exciting, knowing that we can push our limits and work collaboratively with our ever growing client list.
A challenge I see, as we are so busy, and have been for some time, is looking after our people. Wellbeing of our people is so important - particularly when the project lists get longer and our teams get bigger. I've had first hand experience of the Tonkin team supporting me when things got tough, and I know I'm not alone. We will continue to care and check in with our people, particularly in the busy times - because there's always time to care."
Andrew Tan
Principal Engineer - Structures
"2022 was a strong year for Tonkin's structural team within the NSW practice. We have completed designs and documentation for several projects that are either currently in construction or in their late design stages. Our structural team has been agile and proactive in responding to our clients' needs and they are some of the qualities that we would like to continue in 2023 and beyond.
We will strive to work closely with private clients, local governments and D&C contractors, providing cost-effective solutions in the infrastructure and buildings spaces. While we continue to excel in technical deliveries, we are also mindful on how our designs will affect the overall performance of projects in terms of commercial outcome for our clients and at the same time producing sustainable designs through embodied carbon assessment at various stages within a project lifecycle."
Tyson Radetti
Principal - Roads and Traffic
"Tonkin’s Transport Team in South Australia has been lucky enough to be involved in a few of the State Government's major road projects recently; giving our younger engineers fantastic opportunities to learn how large scale infrastructure is delivered. These opportunities allowed our engineers to further their experiences in a number of software packages including SIDRA, AIMSUN, SPACE GASS and 12D.
With multiple new transport projects set to have design starting in 2023, I personally am looking forward to working with our team as they put their learnings into practice and gain new skills to grow their careers."
With multiple new transport projects set to have design starting in 2023, I personally am looking forward to working with our team as they put their learnings into practice and gain new skills to grow their careers."
Tim Kerby
Leader - Stormwater
"Flooding has been very much a hot topic in Australia recently but hopefully this year weather patterns will return to normal! We would hope that the learning gained from these recent events can be used to help provide invaluable calibration data for future Tonkin flood modelling projects.
Drainage is a large component of road upgrade projects and it will be exciting to see the rapid construction progress associated with the large Fleurieu Connections Alliance project along Victor Harbor and Main South Road. The team has a lot of flood modelling ahead of us that will be used to inform a wide range of projects for local and state government clients and private development projects. These models are now also needing to ensure an adequate allowance is being made for future climate change."
Elsie Mann
Clients and Growth Lead - Water
"I’m excited about the continuing growth of Tonkin’s water team in Queensland and nationally. In 2023, we’ll continue delivering cost-effective, flexible and fit-for-purpose solutions for our clients, in addition to focussing on strengthening our client relationships to ensure we provide the best outcomes for communities, both in metropolitan and regional areas. Importantly, I’m hoping we have fun, continue learning and support each other while doing all of the above!
Across the water sector, cost of construction, inflation impacts, competition for resources and general busyness are all significant challenges. Increasingly, climate resilience is front of mind. Many regions around the country have experienced flooding recently, but also, we need to recognise that climate patterns are likely to continue to shift. Working collaboratively with our clients, our project teams are taking adaptive approaches infrastructure planning and providing innovative solutions, balancing cost and risk and being responsive as priorities change."