Broken Hill Airport Airside Upgrades

TransportPavement Design and AssessmentNew South Wales
23 January 2024
Tonkin is excited to be providing civil engineering and associated services to Broken Hill City Council for the upgrade of the regional city’s airport.
In 2023 Broken Hill City Council received $10 million in state and federal government funding to upgrade the airport. The works will include upgrades to several pavement areas at the airport, including aprons, taxiways and the secondary runway.

This is the first stage of upgrades that will eventually allow Broken Hill airport to accommodate larger aircraft. The upgrades to the apron areas will allow bigger aircraft to park, refuel and load, and the main runway and taxiway is set to be upgraded in the next package of works. The airport will then be ready to welcome larger planes such as Boeing 737s.

Tonkin’s Mildura office has a long and well-established relationship with the Broken Hill City Council, having assisted with numerous public works projects over the years. Our work on the upgrade of Broken Hill Airport is being led by Tonkin’s Adelaide office, with support from our Mildura team.

Tonkin is looking forward to helping Council deliver these important transport infrastructure upgrades that are set to benefit the Broken Hill community for many years to come.
Broken Hill Airport Airside Upgrades

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