Taylor Riverfront Precinct

Buildings & Structures

Public Works

Maritime, Ports and Coastal Environments

Stormwater and Flood Management

South Australia

Jensen Plus for Remark Paringa Council

Renmark, SA

In 2018 Tonkin was engaged by Jensen Plus to undertake the civil, water and structural design for the first stage of the Renmark Urban Design Framework project.
Stage one of the redevelopment works involved reviving the town’s riverfront precinct, delivering an upgraded park and a new river deck for locals and visitors to enjoy.

The Precinct is set in the heart of Renmark and enjoys views of the River Murray on one side and access to the town on the other side. Renmark Paringa Council developed their Urban Design Framework with the aim to 'revive' Renmark and make it a place to relax, enjoy the Riverland lifestyle, bring life to the town centre and energise the local economy through a series of transformative projects.

Tonkin provided integrated civil engineering services for this $3.8 million multi-stage project. Tonkin’s services included:
  • Geotechnical investigations
  • Site surveying, which also extended 10m into the River Murray
  • Earthworks design
  • Drainage design
  • Design development of the cantilevered river deck and balustrade
  • Pavement design
  • Review of barbeque shelter designs
  • Work with electrical design sub-contractors on the detailed design of pumps and hydraulic system.
Riverfront jetty
Water play area in updated precinct
Tonkin provided practical, cost-effective design solutions with a focus on constructability, aesthetics, accessibility and safety. With the precinct being adjacent Renmark’s main road which is used by heavy vehicles, the safety of users of the space was a major consideration. As a result, the new precinct features a fence with self-closing gates, as well as retaining walls and vegetated garden beds surrounding the precinct. Tonkin designed the carpark and pathways around the precinct to meet DDA requirements. 

The project comprised a broad range of stakeholders, including Renmark Paringa Council, elected members, Jensen Plus, a number of sub-consultants and the local community – all with their own aspirations for the project. Tonkin’s flexible and client focused approach to project allowed us to work successfully with all stakeholders, delivering an exceptional design outcome that meets the needs of multiple stakeholders. 

The upgraded Riverfront Precinct was officially opened in March 2021, creating a new hub to meet, relax and enjoy the offerings of the river and town.

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