The Bend Motorsport Park

Urban Development

Infrastructure Planning

South Australia

Peregrine Corporation Infrastructure

Tailem Bend, SA

Planning for Australia's premier motor racing track

The Bend Motorsport Park was created to be Australia’s premier motor sport facility, featuring a variety of circuits that can host major racing events up to formula one level. The park is located on the former site of the Mitsubishi Australia proving ground.

Tonkin was the primary consultant for The Bend Motorsport Park with a brief to deliver the design of roads and the community title land division. Tonkin also successfully administered the design of the stadium circuit including the racetrack, paddock areas and access roads.

The Bend hosted its first V8 Supercars event on Sunday 26 August 2018, with more than 40,000 people attended the event.

How we made a difference

The Bend Motorsport Park was the first world-class racing facility built in Australia for 25 years. Its carefully considered design allows it to host a wide array of motor sport events at an international standard.

The stadium circuit, land division and public access roads designed by Tonkin were essential elements to the success of this remarkable and ambitious assignment.
Aerial image of track during construction
Red F1 car racing around track

What we did

The flat profile of the general area presented Tonkin with a significant challenge at the Tailem Bend site, requiring creative solutions for the movement of stormwater and wastewater. Tonkin’s expertise in stormwater management was called upon to enable the site to function effectively without the burden of high-cost infrastructure.

In addition, The Bend Motorsport Park was built upon a very shallow layer of hard rock, which was prevalent throughout the entire site. Tonkin designed the works to minimise excavation and avoid construction through the rock.

What we achieved

Tonkin was able to provide cost effective solutions for the stormwater and civil works packages for the project.

To address the extremely flat site and meet the stormwater management objectives of the development, Tonkin crafted a design comprising a series of large swales. This approach permitted the capture and conveyance of stormwater flows from the development in lieu of large, more expensive culverts and pipe work.

The flat profile of the land also posed a challenge for the sewerage infrastructure. By employing pre-treatment via septic tanks for each allotment, the community title division was designed to effectively minimise the number of pump stations required. This resulted in a substantial cost saving for the project.
Motorsport cars racing around track

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