London Street Bridge Replacement
City of Port Lincoln
Port Lincoln, SA

Collaborating to deliver a vital community asset
After more than 90 years as a key link to the central business precinct of Port Lincoln, the London Street Bridge had reached the end of its design life. Legally loaded heavy vehicles were unable to use the bridge and it did not meet current road safety and bridge standards.
Tonkin had an ongoing role in the project over a three-year period, rolling from one scope to the next to deliver all aspects of the replacement works. Tonkin also assisted Council to prepare a successful funding application for the works as part of the Australian Government’s Bridge Renewal Program.
How we made a difference
The new bridge has delivered an unlimited weight capacity for heavy vehicles, continuous flow of traffic for local communities and improved safety through separation of pedestrians and cyclists from motorists.
The project is representative of more than high-level engineering and successful collaboration; it has transformed community access, performing an important social function to provide a direct route between the Port Lincoln CBD and Kirton Point.

What we did
Starting with a routine inspection of the bridge, Tonkin provided regularly accessible services to the City of Port Lincoln through the following project stages:
- Development of feasibility and concept reports
- Preparation of capital cost estimates and a submission to the Australian Government for co-funding through the Bridges Renewal Program
- Detailed design and tender administration
- Project management and superintendency of the construction works.
As part of the planning and development approvals stages, Tonkin undertook community and stakeholder engagement in conjunction with the City of Port Lincoln. Through this process, those directly and indirectly affected by the bridge replacement works were identified and involved in extensive consultation.
What we achieved
Tonkin invested significant time and energy with the City of Port Lincoln, creating a long-lasting relationship built around mutual respect, honesty, shared values and objectives. The successfully delivered bridge is a result of this close collaboration.
A key innovation was the management and design of service relocations that allowed works to occur with minimal to no disruption. The services relocation works included temporary support and management of existing services while replacements were installed.
A significant achievement for the project was designing a solution that could be safely implemented while working within a live rail environment. A long-term benefit of the integral bridge structure design is that it reduces council’s maintenance obligations through the replacement of bridge bearings, which would prove difficult in a rail environment.

How we made a difference
The new bridge has delivered an unlimited weight capacity for heavy vehicles, continuous flow of traffic for local communities and improved safety through separation of pedestrians and cyclists from motorists.
The project is representative of more than high-level engineering and successful collaboration; it has transformed community access, performing an important social function to provide a direct route between the Port Lincoln CBD and Kirton Point.